A Message to our community

March 13, 2020

Hello EllieFunDay supporters,

I know that many companies have been addressing the widespread impact of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak in our communities. Our number one goal is to always ensure that everyone’s health, well-being and safety is taken care of. 

When I started this company in 2013, I saw a dire need in a woman’s life because they had no means to support her family, and was stuck in a cycle of poverty. From there, each one of you have rallied behind us to build an amazing community of ambassadors of hope. 

I truly value you and your hard-earned trust and support. In light of all that is happening, I thought that I’d share some thoughts to keep us all grounded to weather through this.

  • Stay informed with the correct media outletsStay informed with accurate medical information - Rumors and false information spreads very quickly on social media. Always question sources and data. When confronted with anxiety and fear try to act rationally and objectively. Limit the amount of media you consume, get outside if you can. Take a break!
  • #SpreadLove: Social distancing is a must to keep this virus at bay in order to flatten the curve. However, we need each other more than ever. See if an elderly neighbor needs help with groceries, connect with other work-at-home-parents to manage small group play dates, share your toilet paper and hand sanitizers. Now is not the time to hoard.
  • Connect: perhaps now is the time to slow down and to do what we’ve always said we wanted to do, spend more time with friends and family. A friend out in Tokyo said that because of all the school closures, her home has been a hub for all of the teens to just be together and talk about “life”. Some of these kids have come from broken homes and they’ve been able to create a safe haven for them. 
  • Support Small BusinessesAs you know many small businesses will suffer greatly from the impact of what is happening due to a loss in foot-traffic and travel. Sadly many of our pop-ups are canceled. We here at EllieFunDay have always stood by empowering women globally and locally and we feel like now is the time to really step it up to help support other small businesses. In the coming days we will be sharing some of our favorites. Please consider purchasing from them or even liking them on social media. The only way for us to survive this is through the generosity of this community. 

I’ve been reflecting a lot on what’s been happening in the past 24 hours. Things have changed rapidly from a week ago. And I’ve thought to myself, I have not ever experienced war, famine or global crisis like this before. My parents have left a war-torn country and are immigrants and they know how it feels in the greatest uncertainty. Now it’s my turn to walk through this. My parents have been an example of resilience in the wake of adversity. And I believe that our community will rise up the same way. 

We are adapting quickly to what 2020 will be in order to make sure that our mission of empowerment of women and children continues to thrive. Your support means the world to us and we will continue to be a beacon of hope to all those around us. #spreadlove

Yours Truly,


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